Training athletes from a strength coaches perspective.

  1. We always start by observing the athlete's movement patterns, looking for any signs of improper form or technique that could lead to injury or impede progress.

  2. Muscle imbalances are another key area we assess, checking for any tightness or weakness in specific areas that can impact the athlete's overall performance and increase their risk of injury.

  3. Joint mobility, flexibility, and overall range of motion are crucial for proper movement, so we always assess these factors as well.

  4. We evaluate the athlete's technical proficiency by assessing their ability to perform specific exercises and techniques. We offer guidance and correction where needed to help them perform at their best.

  5. We gauge the athlete's current level of strength and power, as well as their ability to produce force and generate power.

  6. Work capacity is an important aspect of a training program, so we evaluate the athlete's overall ability to perform a high volume of work over a period of time.

  7. We monitor the athlete's level of fatigue throughout the session, as well as their ability to recover between sets and exercises. This helps us tailor the program to meet their specific needs and goals.

  8. Finally, we observe the athlete's mental state. Mental preparation and focus are just as important as physical preparation, and we aim to help the athlete stay motivated, focused, and in the right mindset for optimal performance.

Brian Stutson